
How does copyright really work?

Many people misunderstand how copyrighting really works. So, let’s see what exactly copyright means. Copyright is the legal right to copy, use, publish and distribute creative, intellectual or artistic work. Only a person, who owns the whole complex of copyrights, can use and replicate the work. Copyright can be sold, alienated, inherited by others.

The truth is that copyright appears the moment you put your material into physical form. You automatically own your copyright. But having an automatic copyright isn’t the same as proving you have it! You need to make sure that you have a way to prove when you first put your creation into physical form. That’s why you need to register your copyright. Registering your copyright means you make a public record of it, so you can later prove the date of creation of your work.

Everyday we face copyright as a producer or as a consumer. It is important to understand what is legal and what is not and use people’s creations right.

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